I sincerely hope that this site will achieve at least a little bit of what I assumed it should achieve. There is one goal: to encourage everyone to travel, explore, spend time outside the home, even if you have to pay dearly for it. Because I think it's worth it.

There are so many amazing places to see, people to meet, or even memories to be gained. Indelible memories, faces or places, because they are preserved in photos.

Personally, I try as much as I can to ensure that the day off from work is not lost. A short journey, a longer trip, if time and money are enough, even a voyage. Not always a dreamtime voyage, but ...

Due to the number of places worth mentioning - or not worth mentioning, but I visited them by accident - the information will be rather concise. For detailed information about a specific destination, please visit www.google.com or any other favorite search engine.